About Calvary

Sunday Worship:  8:00 am  and  10:00 am directions
Regular Office Hours: Monday – Friday,  9:30 am – 5:00 pm  (until summer)

[email protected]

About Calvary

Calvary Church is a vital, evolving community of Christians, one of the largest Episcopal congregations in New Jersey and the Diocese of Newark. Founded in 1854, we seek to build a future equal to our proud heritage by growing in personal discipleship, strengthening our parish’s institutions and increasing our outreach to others.
The primary focus of our week is Sunday morning worship, when we gather as a community to praise God and to share in the Holy Eucharist. The mid-week Eucharist at noonday celebrates the feasts and fasts of the Anglican tradition. Directions

People at Calvary
Serving the Calvary Church community are the nine clergy and staff who lead and care for the parish, and the 15 members of the vestry who oversee the use of our resources. We are also fortunate to have many who give generously of their time and talents to serve our organizations.

Getting to know each other is one of the joys of Christian fellowship. Our fellowship programs give us a chance to meet in small, informal settings.

Christian Education
Our Christian education provides both Sunday school for our young people and a variety of adult forums as part of our commitment to help everyone grow in faith.

Service and Outreach
Service at Calvary can be to the church community or to the outside community at large. Our service and outreach programs provide many opportunities to be involved.

An integral part of our worship, music is provided by both adults and young people’s choirs. The Calvary Chorale also performs sacred and secular music in concert.

For website updates:
E-mail: [email protected]