Sunday Worship: 8:00 am and 10:00 am directions
Regular Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:30 am – 5:00 pm (until summer)

Calvary Church is a vital, evolving community of Christians, one of the largest Episcopal congregations in New Jersey and the Diocese of Newark. Founded in 1854, we seek to build a future equal to our proud heritage by growing in personal discipleship, strengthening our parish’s institutions and increasing our outreach to others.
The primary focus of our week is Sunday morning worship, when we gather as a community to praise God and to share in the Holy Eucharist. The mid-week Eucharist at noonday celebrates the feasts and fasts of the Anglican tradition. Directions
People at Calvary
Serving the Calvary Church community are the nine clergy and staff who lead and care for the parish, and the 15 members of the vestry who oversee the use of our resources. We are also fortunate to have many who give generously of their time and talents to serve our organizations.
Getting to know each other is one of the joys of Christian fellowship. Our fellowship programs give us a chance to meet in small, informal settings.
Christian Education
Our Christian education provides both Sunday school for our young people and a variety of adult forums as part of our commitment to help everyone grow in faith.
Service and Outreach
Service at Calvary can be to the church community or to the outside community at large. Our service and outreach programs provide many opportunities to be involved.
An integral part of our worship, music is provided by both adults and young people’s choirs. The Calvary Chorale also performs sacred and secular music in concert.
For website updaChristian Education
Our commitment to spiritual development reflects the importance of how our own stories relate to God’s story as revealed in Scripture and the traditions of the Church.
Sunday School:
Sunday School starts at 9:45 am and runs until the Peace when the children join their parents for communion. Sunday School meets every Sunday with the exception of four Youth and Family Sundays and designated holidays.
Contact: Tom Lycan, (908) 277-1814 ext 15
Child Care for Young Children During the Church Service
Calvary’s Cradle Room nursery is staffed by experienced, paid caregivers who love attending to young children. Volunteers supplement the staff during the service. Silent pagers are available to connect nursery staff to parents as needed.
Godly Play
Godly Play is the curriculum used for the pre-K through second grade classes. It uses lovely wooden figures to illustrate the Bible stories as it teaches children how to become more fully aware of the mystery of God’s presence. It allows each child to respond to the materials from their own spiritual base and allows children to ponder the stories on their own.
Rite 13
The curriculum focuses on building community and helping 11- to 13-year-olds through the difficult transitions of adolescence, with particular emphasis on Christian values as they apply to adolescent experience. Central to the program is the Rite 13, a ritual that recognizes God’s gift of adulthood with a special liturgy of presentation to the parish family and friends. Contact: Brent Bates (908) 277-1814 ext 13
J2A continues to enhance the spiritual journey that students begin in Rite 13. Comprised of 8th through 10th graders, J2A seeks to provide a Christian forum for exploring issues relevant to students. The program develops specific skills needed for successful adulthood, including listening, problem solving, negotiating and working partnerships. In the second year of J2A, students are prepared for confirmation. Contact: Brent Bates (908) 277-1814 ext 13
YAC – Young Adults at Church
The last component of the Journey-to-Adulthood, YAC invites students in 10th through 12th grades to find ministries within the church as well as to design and execute programs for outreach within the community. Contact: Brent Bates (908) 277-1814 ext 13
Adult Forums
A series of Adult Forums is scheduled from September through May. Held in the Beckwith Room, these forums explore contemporary Christian themes and issues. Adult Forum Schedule Contact: Denise Haines
Book Discussion Group
The Adult Book Discussion Group meets each Sunday at 11:15 a.m. in the Guild Room on the second floor of the Parish House. New members and drop-ins participate easily. Contact: Don Peck
Lectionary Bible Study
Meets Thursdays from 8:30 am to 9:30 am at the Parish House to study the upcoming Sunday’s scripture readings. Contact: Brent Bates (908) 277-1814 ext 13
Holy Conversations
An opportunity to connect with other parishioners while reflecting deeply on your life and faith. Meets Fridays from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM in the Reception Room. Contact: Brent Bates (908) 277-1814 ext 13
Bible Book of the Month: Monthly Bible Workshop
Ever wonder what’s really in those books of the Bible you’ve never read, or have read and still want to know more about? Read the book the month before the lecture. Then come to the presentation for further background and discussion. www.interweave.org
Education for Ministry (EFM)
Participants in EFM study the entire sweep of the Christian tradition. Students enroll one year at a time for this four-year program. It covers the basics of the Old and New Testaments, church history, liturgy, and theology. Students meet regularly, usually once a week, in seminars under the guidance of trained mentors. Tuition is $325.00 annually. Contact: Chris Brdlik 908-277-1814 [email protected]
A community learning center teaching skills for wholistic living that strengthen wellness, deepen spirituality and promote the common good. Founded in 1980 by the Rev. Robert C. Morris, this pioneering grass roots adult-education ministry serves participants from the region through workshops, classes and seminars drawing from a multiple sources of spiritual inspiration. Contact: 908-277-2120 More
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