Sunday Worship: 8:00 am and 10:00 am directions
Regular Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:30 am – 5:00 pm (until summer)

Outreach: Calvary in Action
From actively assisting in our regular Sunday Worship to providing others within the community with pastoral care and meals, to serving those outside our community who are in need, service and outreach are key parts of our mission.
Bridges Ministry
An ecumenical ministry, drawing on volunteers in churches across Summit to prepare bag lunches for the homeless in New York City. Contact: Veronica Minthorn
Bikes for Kids
A program run by Members of the Calvary Youth Group, we collect bikes through open collection and bike drives and purchase high quality, low-cost helmet for each bike. The bikes have been donated to children at Apostle’s house in Newark as part of the Christmas giving program. They have also been given to Children at Life Camp and PS 2 in Patterson.
Blood Drive
Since 1995, Calvary has hosted a blood drive in the Parish Hall. Parishioners publicize the drive, contact donors, work up a schedule, bake cookies for the donors and prepare dinner for the workers. Contact Tod and Barb Packer
Christmas Dinner
More than 25 volunteers prepare and serve Christmas Dinner to 70 members of our community, including residents from Summit’s Senior Housing.
Created for Community
An informal network of volunteers prepares and delivers meals to those in need, such as a new mother home from the hospital or a family experiencing a crisis. Contact: Mary Davis
Food for Friends
This Diocese of Newark program distributes an estimated 180,00 pounds of food to the needy. Bring non-perishable food to the Church or Parish House and leave it in the Food for Friends baskets. Contact: Martha White.
Gifts for Christ the Child
During Advent, Young Adults at Calvary gather gifts for the residents of Apostles’ House in Newark, a temporary facility serving displaced families.
Heritage Funds Committee
Created by the Vestry in 2001, this committee provides oversight for the management of the investment funds that are part of Calvary’s capital assets. It also provides education and encouragement to the congregation regarding the ways in which Calvary Church my be included in estate planning. Contact: David Farrand
Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN)
IHN hosts host homeless families of Union County. Calvary participates by assisting at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Summit in February and October, by cooking and serving food and socializing with the families. Contact: Sue Hirner More
Meals on Wheels
Working with Summit Association of Gerontological Endeavor (SAGE), Calvary provided deliveries in Summit on Thursdays for two months of the year. Contact: Judy Gow More
The Oasis
Calvary is a sponsoring congregation of Oasis, a justice ministry of the Diocese of Newark, with gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered and straight people, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, gender, class or ability. Contact: Don Peck
Office Volunteers
To keep Calvary running smoothly, volunteers help our office manager with a variety of tasks. Contact: George Hayman 908-277-1814 More
Prayer Chain
A group of parishioners offer daily prayers for Calvary Church, our clergy and bishops, and the special concerns of Calvary members and others.
The team distributes notices to the local papers so our community can learn more about Calvary and its ministries and activities. Contact: Katharine Hadow
Summit Helping Its People (SHIP)
The Summit Interfaith Clergy Fellowship task force of clergy, public officials and concerned citizens assists homeless and at-risk homeless not served by other programs. SHIP has served breakfast and provided a sack lunch every weekday using Calvary’s facilities since 1991. In 2000, SHIP provided over 2,000 meals. Contact: Richard Nelson 908-273-3271 or Jim Baratte at 908-522-1303 More
Stephen Ministry
Through more than 50 hours of training, the Stephen Ministry trains lay people to provide a caring ministry that brings healing love to people who are grieving, depressed, or experiencing other extraordinary stresses in life. Stephen ministers are matched with parishioners in collaboration with the clergy. Contact: Nan Lampe or Sue Hirner. More
Stewardship Committee
The Stewardship Committee organizes periodic educational sessions to raise awareness of stewardship matters such as financial and estate planning, provides quarterly reports to the congregation and designs and executes Calvary’s annual stewardship drive. Contact: Steve Iler
Thanksgiving Dinner
Fine food and fellowship equals Thanksgiving! A volunteer corps of around 60 sets up, decorates, prepares and serves food and cleans up. Both volunteers and guests are welcome to call 908-277-1814 More
Women of Calvary
All women of the church are automatically members of Women of Calvary, our branch of the Episcopal Church Women of the National Counsel of the Episcopal Church. The group sponsors events that encourage fellowship within Calvary, as well as those that bring in funds for service and outreach. Contact: Kay Getzendanner
Worship-Related Service
There are a number of opportunities actively assist in the celebration of the Eucharist:
Acolytes and Crucifers
Altar Guild
Collection Counters
Flower Chapter
Lay Readers, Chalicists and Intercessors